Canon are excited to share our latest range of products and solutions with you at IBC 2024
With Canon's range of Pro Video and Hybrid products, there are no limits to what you can create.
Where you'll find us
We are in Hall 11 Stand C.41
Dates are 13/09 - 16/09
Opening times
13/09: 10.30 - 18:00
14/09: 9.30 - 18:00
15/09: 9.30 - 18:00
16/09: 9.30 - 16:00
RF Mount Systems
Displaying the latest in Canon’s EOS R camera and lens technology from compact APS-C mirrorless cameras and powerful hybrid lenses up to full frame cinema cameras.
Multi-Cam Systems
See how Canon’s large format and PTZ product offering can streamline your workflow and offer powerful image quality
The PTZ Wall
Get hands on with the Canon PTZ range, from entry level to broadcast standard we have a camera for all budgets and applications
Workflow Stations
Experience Canon’s various workflows such as Cinema, ENG, Remote and Virtual Production to learn how to get the most out of your productions.
Optical Technology
Explore Canons world renowned Broadcast Optical technology with a range of Box, ENG and Cinema lenses on display.
Meetings & Hospitality
Contact your local Canon representative to book a meeting room or have an informal chat in our hospitality Café
Latest from Canon PROFESSIONAL
Whether you are a beginner in filmmaking or a professional seeking for ultimate image quality, our range of Canon video cameras and lenses offer superb results.
Canon Pro Video Solutions
From cinema and public sector work to outside broadcasts and live streaming, there is a Canon Pro video solution perfect for you.
Product Ranges
Our product range has whatever you need, plus everything you want.
Cine Objektive
Hochwertige CINE Objektive mit erstklassigen Leistungsmerkmalen für kreative Filmproduktionen.
Broadcast Objektive
Premium-4K-Objektive von höchster optischer Qualität für eine einzigartige Leistung bei Highend-Broadcast-Anwendungen.
Professionelle Videokameras
Erlebe die ultimative Bildqualität. Beeindruckende Leistung, einfache Bedienung.
High-Sensitivity Kameras
Kompakte, leichte und vielseitige Videokameras für die unterschiedlichsten Spezial-Anwendungen.
Cinema EOS Kameras
Die Freiheit zum Geschichtenerzählen. Aussergewöhnliche Bildqualität, grenzenlose Kreativität.
Eine Serie fernsteuerbarer 4K-Schwenk-/Neige-/Zoomkameras (PTZ) mit aussergewöhnlicher Bildqualität, die sich für eine Vielzahl von Produktionen und Anwendungen eignen.
Professionelle Monitore
Die professionellen Canon 4K-Referenzmonitore mit umfangreicher Farbraumunterstützung und High Dynamic Range für Broadcast- und Film-Produktionen.
Kameras mit Wechselobjektiven
Entdecke die Canon Kameras mit Wechselobjektiven und erkunde neue kreative Möglichkeiten bei der Aufnahme.
Canon Professional Services
- Priority support
- Fast track repair loans
- International support
- Exclusive events and experiences
Please complete the short form below to request a product specialist from Canon to contact you.
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